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The function of this device is simple
If the camera detects a low light situation and activates the built-in AF assist light then this device will detect that light and will provide the necessary AF assist light externally so that it will not be blocked but projected fully on the subject or the model.
The exposure or the white balance will not change because the light will be turned off before the exposure starts, the light is only on during the focusing process. Auto focus will be faster with less risk for racking and hunting than if you’d not use the AF assist light.
If this sounds interesting then you can order this device now. Please note that this is a DIY product, manufactured in low volume. It contains some 3D printed parts as well, and these parts are custom designed for the purpose.
Some technical information about the device

The LED which is used for the light is a high intensity (min. 18 000mcd) green LED, providing a range of about 8-10 meters, depending on the camera. The sensor which detects the camera’s built-in AF assist light is a high speed photo transistor. The delay introduced by the electronics is less than 2us, so it will not be noticeable during use and can be ignored. The size of the box is (L) 63 x (W) 25 x (H) 15 mm.

The light sensor head is 3D printed from PLA, which is environment friendly during the printing process as well as during use. If you wish you can use a different type of adhesive putty as long as it works together with PLA as well.

The AF assist light sensor and the main unit is attached to the camera and/or the flash using adhesive putty. The putty does not need any treatment, should not be mixed with oil or water or any other liquid. It is non-toxic and will not cause damage to the surface of the cameras, the flashes or other devices. It does not leave stain and can be easily removed. When stored, it can be put between two plastic sheets or a small plastic bag to protect it from dust.
The exposure and the white balance are not affected by the AF assist beam extender, assuming your camera works as expected. Tests of the device are carried out on two Nikon cameras only, the Nikon Z7 and the Nikon 1 V1.
Price and payment
The price for each unit is 62 EUR or 65 USD, depending on if you live in EU or outside EU. Shipping and handling costs will be added. At this moment this is 13 EUR in EU or 15 USD for shipments outside EU. I accept payments in EUR or USD only, no other currency will be accepted, orders paid in any other currency will be rejected.
Payments must be made through PayPal, no direct money transfer, checks or any other means are accepted. Prices and the terms are non-negotiable; if you think this is not acceptable for you or you think the price is too high, please don't buy it.
Note that due to transport regulations and restrictions, no battery will be included in the shipment. You have to buy the necessary 23A type battery locally.
How to order
If you are interested, please send me a mail using the contact information below. Please don't pay in advance before I confirmed that I have a device reserved for you.
After I received payment, I will need one work day to pack it and to ship it to you, using registered, traceable post.
Please note that I will only sell this unit to buyers from Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, countries of European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Monaco, Aland, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Japan. Note that I make no exceptions made from this list.
Contact information
adapting(dot)camera at gmail(dot)com
Please note: the mail address above must be modified by you. You must replace the (dot) with real dots, the spaces before and after 'at' must be removed and the word 'at' must be replaced by @ sign. This is done to prevent internet robots from sending me spam mail.
After your modification the mail address will look like:
A final note about the AF assist light extender
This is a do-it-yourself product. No warranty or refund is given, other than that I guaranty I tested the device before shipping it, and I guaranty that it is working on my Nikon Z7 and V1 cameras when I ship it. I have no possibilities to test it on any other cameras since these are the only ones I have.